Hey there, beloved wanderlusters!

The countdown has officially begun, and as the new year dawns, I am thrilled to present a revitalized, reinvented, and truly resplendent travel blog experience! Mark your calendars for January 1, 2024, because you’re in for a grand voyage through your screens!

Are you ready to feast your eyes on the most awe-inspiring destinations our beautiful planet has to offer? πŸŒ… Prepare to journey through breathtaking sceneries, opulent hotels, and perhaps find your next vacation spot or a dreamy escape.

But that’s not all! Dive into captivating interviews with your favorite travel influencers. We’re especially excited about our series on empowered women who’ve carved their niche in the travel realm, taking us to places both familiar and uncharted. Their stories are nothing short of inspirational, and we believe they will ignite that adventurous spark in you.

Having been on a small hiatus due to personal reasons, I’m truly elated to be back. During my time off, I’ve had the privilege to embark on countless adventures, and oh, the stories I’ve amassed! The places I’ve witnessed and the incredible souls I’ve encountered have enriched my journey. I’m bubbling with anticipation to share these tales and gorgeous content with each and every one of you.

But wait, there’s even more to anticipate:

  • A meticulously curated 2024 Bucket List Destination 🌏
  • Our Top Hotel Program Reward List (because who doesn’t love a good perk?) 🏨✨
  • How to travel for “free” on credit card points and milesΒ 
  • Freshly brewed travel guides to pave your paths πŸ—ΊοΈ
  • Essential packing and safety guides to ensure your journeys are smooth and secure πŸ’ΌπŸ”’
  • A sneak peek into what 2024 holds for the world of travel. Get ready to be in the know! ✈️
  • Bucket List Hotels: Experience the Pinnacle of Luxury, Uniqueness, and Splendor!Β 

To our seasoned followers and newcomers alike, thank you for allowing me this pause in our journey together. Your patience and support mean the world. As we rev up for this new chapter, rest assured – the best is yet to come. So, fasten your seatbelts and keep those eyes peeled. Exciting adventures await!

Until then, stay curious, stay adventurous, and most importantly, stay tuned! 🌟 

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the stunning destinations you can look forward to…


Happy travels and see you very soon,

One Model Mission,Β 

By. Katy JohnsonΒ